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Work Cited


  Art in Context. "Black Death  Art- Artworks of the Mediaeval Bubonic Plague." Du Plessis, Alicia. August 10, 2022, updated Nov. 14, 2023.


Benedictow, Ole J. "The Black Death." History Today, vol. 55, no.3, Mar. 2005, pp.42-49. EBSCOhost,,shib&db=aph&AN=16350177&authtype=shib&site=ehost-live.


 Henderson, John. "The Invisible Enemy: Fighting the Plague in Early Modern Italy." Centaurus: Journal of the European Society for the History of Science,  vol. 62, no.2, May2020, pp.263-74. EBSCOhost,


  Rowland, Ingrid D. "Art After the Plague: HOW PAINTERS THROUGH THE AGES HAVE RESPONDED TO CONTAGION, PESTILIENCE, AND DEADLY EPIDEMICS." American Scholar, ovol. 89, no.4, Oct. 2020, pp.48-56/ EBSCOhost,,shib&db=aph&AN=145276294&authtype=shib&site=ehost-live


World History Encyclopedia.

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